A form of vibration medicine, crystal therapy involves the application of crystals or gemstones to facilitate healing.
Rocks and gemstones house spiritual and healing properties that can be tapped into a variety of ways. Crystals can be carried or worn on the person, or they can be placed in a location where their healing vibrations can be felt by whoever is nearby. Healers also place stones on their clients' reclined bodies to balance the chakras and aura.
Each type of stone has its own unique talent. Gemstone colors, shapes, and textures all have special meanings. Crystal elixirs can be made by soaking crystals for a few hours in a glass of water. Crystals are also used for divination and meditation purposes. You can intuitively choose which crystals to use by noticing which stones you are attracted to. Keep your heart and hands open and allow the appropriate crystals to find their way into your life.