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Crystal Healing - Who does it & does it really work?

The originator of crystal healing is unknown. However, this practice has been around for centuries. People have used amulets, magical stones, and gems all throughout history (though mainly in the eastern cultures). It is now making its way into the western culture, primarily in the New Age and Occult movements.

Crystal healers argue that it truly works; however, there's no concrete scientific evidence to prove that it truly heals. People say they've been healed and feel better, but these cases are generally limited to personal testimonies. A lot of the scientific world has brushed these testimonies off as a placebo effect, selective thinking, wishful thinking, sympathetic magic, or communal reinforcement.

Crystal healers commonly prefer clear quartz, because of its shape and color. However, since chakras have colors associated with each area, they may place the specific color crystal/gemstone on the same color chakras. The crystals/gemstones are said to have vibration frequencies that are shape induced, interconnecting the earth's and the individual's energy field. The crystal is used to amplify, or realign, human 'psychic' or cosmic energy by directing vibration energy. To maintain the crystal, it's placed in salt water or covered with table salt. Maintaining the crystal helps keeps it clean from "environmental imbalance." It's said that it also needs to be recharged and activated through various methods.

Quartz crystal under the light