You may care to try a simple experiment to find the chakras within your own body. Simply place the palms of your hands can inch or so away from the general area of the chakra you wish to locate. (See the picture) Close your eyes. Breathe regularly. Try to visualize a soft white light gleaming between your palms and your body. Within a fairly short time, you will probably feel a stream of magnetism/power/energy emanating from the chakra with which you are working.
Some people achieve immediate success, but don’t be disappointed if this experiment doesn’t work for you the first time your try it. You may need to repeat the procedure several times before results become apparent. As with most things in life persistence pays – but it is important that you should remain completely relaxed. Tension and effort will result only in frustration.
Remember, too, that you are not playing games. You are dealing with your life force. Don’t be tempted to show off your newly acquired talents as a party piece.
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Locating The Chakras
These energy centers are not visible to the naked eye, but it is easy to locate them.
chakra experiment,
white light