Vibration medicine is a term used to describe a wide variety of living remedies. Vibration medicine incorporates the use of chi energies within living organisms such as plants, gemstones and crystals, water, sunlight, and even the foods we eat. Almost everything we touch and see around us has a living pulse inside of it. We need to look no further than the planet we live on to take advantage of its natural vibration remedies to help us balance the chi energies within our own bodies.
Crystals and Gemstones
A shiny rock plucked from the dirt is one of the first treasures a small child will discover on his own. Rocks, a natural resource of earth, are everywhere. We pave our streets with gravel, our beach sands are made from the smallest crystals. We adorn ourselves with gold rings and silver bracelets set with colorful gemstones. Whether or not you realize it, within each gemstone and crystal is housed healing properties. Ever wonder why you are attracted to a particular stone and not another? Nature finds a way to get the stones that carry the healing and spiritual properties that are most needed to us.