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Crystal Healing - Who does it & does it really work?

The originator of crystal healing is unknown. However, this practice has been around for centuries. People have used amulets, magical stones, and gems all throughout history (though mainly in the eastern cultures). It is now making its way into the western culture, primarily in the New Age and Occult movements.

Crystal healers argue that it truly works; however, there's no concrete scientific evidence to prove that it truly heals. People say they've been healed and feel better, but these cases are generally limited to personal testimonies. A lot of the scientific world has brushed these testimonies off as a placebo effect, selective thinking, wishful thinking, sympathetic magic, or communal reinforcement.

Crystal healers commonly prefer clear quartz, because of its shape and color. However, since chakras have colors associated with each area, they may place the specific color crystal/gemstone on the same color chakras. The crystals/gemstones are said to have vibration frequencies that are shape induced, interconnecting the earth's and the individual's energy field. The crystal is used to amplify, or realign, human 'psychic' or cosmic energy by directing vibration energy. To maintain the crystal, it's placed in salt water or covered with table salt. Maintaining the crystal helps keeps it clean from "environmental imbalance." It's said that it also needs to be recharged and activated through various methods.

Quartz crystal under the light

Programming Your Gemstones and Crystals

After you choose and clear your gemstone or crystal, it is a good idea to dedicate it or program it. The purpose of programming a crystal or gemstone is to focus its abilities on something you specifically need, thereby magnifying the stone's intent through your own. The purpose of dedicating the stone to a high level healing energy or Goddess (God) is to protect it from negative energy. A crystal or stone that is programmed and dedicated in these ways becomes much more powerful and useful as a tool. This is a very simple process.

Programming Your Gemstone

· Hold the crystal or gemstone in your hand and sense its energy. With the stone being newly cleared, the energy will feel stronger and even more appealing that before.
· As you sense this energy and appreciate it, ask quietly to be connected to the deva of the crystal or gemstone. Though not animate, stones are living things and the deva of the piece is the stone's life-force energy.
· Once you feel you have sensed what you can from the energy, think of what you will be using the stone for. Think of these uses, and then quietly ask the gemstone if it is willing to act in the way you wish. The crystals energy may increase with a yes or seem to disappear with a no. If the stone accepts your intent, state in your mind that it be so.
Dedicating Your Gemstone
Once a stone is programmed, it will hold its intent until you or someone else reprograms it. To prevent any negative energy from attaching itself to your crystal you may wish to dedicate it.
· Hold the crystal or gemstone in your hand and state clearly in your mind: "Only the most positive high-level energy may work through this healing tool."
· Focus on your intent for awhile, and then end your sensing (meditation) with "SO IS IT."
· The stone is now dedicated.
You may also choose to dedicate your gemstone or crystal to a specific healing energy, for example, to a Goddess of healing. There are many healing goddesses, including Isis, Yemaya, Diana, and White Buffalo Calf Woman. For stones programmed for protection, Hecate or Kali are strong protection Goddesses.

Healing Hands

Choosing the Right Crystal for Your Purpose

Most people who want to use crystals have a particular purpose in mind. Although some families of minerals are more likely to yield the desired result, not all specimens from the same family have similar properties, whether physical (such as fluorescence) or metaphysical (such as healing). Additionally, not everyone reacts the same way when exposed to a crystal.

How to Find the Right Healing Stone

First, let us examine what is the most important criterion when selecting a crystal: vibration match to your purpose. Everything around us vibrates at a particular frequency. This frequency is related to the movement of the atoms of our physical world and it changes overtime. Even during the course of a day, your own vibration frequency will vary. As you feel happy, successful and fulfilled, your vibration frequency is quite high. But when you do your taxes, worry about work, or get into a fight with a loved one, your frequency goes down.

Increasing Your Vibration Frequency

When you seek the help of a crystal, you are enlisting a powerful ally to "raise" your vibration frequency. No matter what the crystal is used for, its desired effect is always an increase in your vibration frequency. We often crave certain crystals because we have a great "vibration match" with them. This vibration match means that proximity to this crystal raises our vibration frequency, thus making us feel "good."Selecting a crystal for a particular purpose is a great way to help yourself without having to devote much energy to it. The proximity of the crystal is constantly affecting your own frequency, guiding you upward toward your goal. Similarly, a crystal that does not have a good match is constantly draining you by lowering your vibration frequency. Hence, selecting the right crystal is of crucial importance.There are many books that describe crystals and their usage, yet most of them disagree on exact properties. This makes perfect sense if you consider that different crystals of the same family have different properties, and also that people will react to them differently. But this does make the selection of the right crystal more challenging, if you don't know how to proceed.

Crystal Selection Process

Here is a simple process to identify which crystal will work best for your specific goal.
1. Clearly identify your purpose
2. Look for a few crystal varieties that seem to support your goal (in a book, online, from a professional, etc.).
3. Pick a specific specimen that offers vibration match to your frequency.
That last part is best accomplished by holding the crystal in your hand or thinking about holding it (if you're buying online for example) and state your purpose: "I want to lose weight." Always state the purpose in an affirmative sentence (so don't say: "I want to stop feeling angry"). Affirmative sentences allow the flow of energy (which is what you want), while negative sentences trigger resistances. Close your eyes while you state your purpose so you can focus inward.If you are more in-tuned with your emotions, look for a good feeling (light, tingly, happy, smiling, good memories come to mind, laughing are all good). If you are more in-tuned with your body, you can use muscle testing: balance yourself upright and let your body "hover" and let it fall in the direction it wants. If you fall forward, it means you have a good match. If you fall backwards, you don't. There are many different ways to use muscle testing for this purpose, this is an easy one.

Opening Up to Your Crystals

Once you have found the crystal, make a conscious decision to let yourself be open to its influence. In order to interact with the physical world, we often need to shutdown our receptivity to outside influences. That can lead to a generalized shutdown where all influences are blocked. You might find yourself in avertedly fighting the crystal's influence.One last thing you can do to facilitate the influence process is to place your crystal close to a small water fountain. Do not place them in the water, as the mineral deposits might damage them. But anywhere near the fountain will do. This allows the very powerful chi of the water to propagate the vibration frequency of the crystal throughout your house or office. If you are curious to know how this works, you can read on the work of Dr. Emoto and his famous book Messages from Water. His work describes how the vibration frequency of intention can alter the molecular composition of water.

7 colour crystal accessories

How to Create a Crystal Altar

Creating your own Crystal Altar is easy and inexpensive. What is a crystal altar? It is a special place where you keep your collection of crystals for meditation and/or for an energy center in your home or apartment. It doesn't require much room, and can be set up in a few minutes.

It can have crystals and stones, along with other items of nature, such as feathers, shells, wood, water, candles and even a prayer card. The point is you can use just about anything you choose. The important thing to remember is that each of these items should be special to you. I often put feathers on my altar that cross my path. You can use a shelf or dresser top as long as it is a place that will not be disturbed or that can not cause a fire when burning candles.

Once you have assembled your altar, the intention is to bring light and energy to you and your surrounding area. You can program your stones and crystals for specific use or just use them for decoration and let them do what they do naturally, which is to dissolve and balance energy.

Meditating by your Altar Can Help Bring You Peace
Here is something I personally like to do. If I have a friend or family member that is having a particular problem with their health or relationships, I draw a circle on a piece of paper. In that circle I put the persons name, along with positive words that can help them with their particular problem. For example, if someone is having health problems, I put their name inside the circle, and then put the words: healthy, happy, peaceful, love, light, and resolution. Now I put that piece of paper on the altar along with some tumbled stones that I think might help with the situation. A piece of rose quartz can always help by bringing in love and self-love. If you are familiar with the colors of the chakras you might try a colored stone that relates to that part of the body they are having trouble with.

Phylameana's Crystal Treasures

Cleansing and Clearing Gemstones and Crystals

It is important to clean any new gemstones that come your way to clear them of any energy that they may have picked up during their previous journeys. Also, if you use any of your stones as healing tools they should be cleaned before and after each healing session. Healers will dedicate or program crystals to increase the vibration energies of them. The programming also helps protect the stones themselves from absorbing harmful energies while they are in service.

There are many different ways to clean your gemstones. Choosing the best cleaning method depends on the type of stone you want to clean. An hour in direct sunlight is more than enough to clean most stones. Certain stones will fade if left out in the sunlight, amethyst is one example. Keep your amethysts out of direct sunlight if you want them to retain their vibrant purple hues. Moonlight cleansing can take several hours or days. To expose a stone to all the moon phases (full moon to new moon) place the stone outside each evening at dusk (retrieving it before sunrise) for 28 consecutive days.

Some stones will dissolve in water, whereas others love to be soaked in fresh water. I actually clean most of my stones under a running tap of cold water while brushing them with a soft-bristle toothbrush until they are sparkling clean. My stones are perfectly happy to be shined up from the same water source that I take my showers in. Rub-a-dub-dub!

List of crystal cleaning methods:
· Smudge crystals with incense or herbs (lavender, sweetgrass, sage, etc.)
· Energize crystals in the sunlight.
· Energize crystals under the moonlight.
· Cleanse crystals in the ocean or inside bowl of salt water.
· Cleanse crystals in a natural water reservoir (lake, river, creek, pond).
· Bury crystals in the earth for a ritual purification.
· Scrub crystals under running tap of cold water.
· Infuse crystals with balancing Reiki energies and symbols.
· Visualize beaming white light crystals.

Smudging Tools

Colours And Crystals

All seven chakras swiftly respond to external forces of energy, including crystals.

Though all crystals possess healing powers, some are especially suitable for dealinf with problems linked with particular chakras.

Each chakra is associated with a specific colour, and , as will be seen, this is also the colour of the crystal most frequently used in healing.

1. Crown Chakra
Related Colour – White
Appropriate Crystal – Clear Quartz

2. Brow Chakra
Related Colour – Purple
Appropriate Crystal – Amethyst or Sodalite

3. Throat Chakra
Related Colour – Pink
Appropriate Crystal – Rose Quartz

4. Heart Chakra
Related Colour – Green
Appropriate Crystal – Jade, Aventurine or Malachite

5. Solar Plexus Chakra
Related Colour – Yellow
Appropriate Crystal – Topaz or Amber

6. Sacral Chakra
Related Colour – Orange
Appropriate Crystal – Tiger’s Eye or Carnelian

7. Root Chakra
Related Colour – Black
Appropriate Crystal – Obsidian or Smoky Quartz

Seven chakras in our body

Locating The Chakras

These energy centers are not visible to the naked eye, but it is easy to locate them.

You may care to try a simple experiment to find the chakras within your own body. Simply place the palms of your hands can inch or so away from the general area of the chakra you wish to locate. (See the picture) Close your eyes. Breathe regularly. Try to visualize a soft white light gleaming between your palms and your body. Within a fairly short time, you will probably feel a stream of magnetism/power/energy emanating from the chakra with which you are working.

Some people achieve immediate success, but don’t be disappointed if this experiment doesn’t work for you the first time your try it. You may need to repeat the procedure several times before results become apparent. As with most things in life persistence pays – but it is important that you should remain completely relaxed. Tension and effort will result only in frustration.

Remember, too, that you are not playing games. You are dealing with your life force. Don’t be tempted to show off your newly acquired talents as a party piece.

Crystal And The Chakras

Within the body of every human being are to be found seven centers of energy, known as the chakras. The word ‘chakra’ is a Sanskrit term meaning ‘wheel of light’. Thus, the chakras are often illustrated as turning of vibrating wheels of – more romantically-
as lotus flowers. If we are to enjoy complete mental and physical health, these wheels need to be perfectly balanced. When the life force or the flow of energy between the chakras is blocked or restricted, crystals can often be used to correct the problem. Simply expressed, this healing occurs when the vibrations emanating from the crystals are balanced with the vibrations of the chakras.

Crystal And The Chakras

Within the body of every human being are to be found seven centers of energy, known as the chakras. The word ‘chakra’ is a Sanskrit term meaning ‘wheel of light’. Thus, the chakras are often illustrated as turning of vibrating wheels of – more romantically-
as lotus flowers. If we are to enjoy complete mental and physical health, these wheels need to be perfectly balanced. When the life force or the flow of energy between the chakras is blocked or restricted, crystals can often be used to correct the problem. Simply expressed, this healing occurs when the vibrations emanating from the crystals are balanced with the vibrations of the chakras.

Are Healing Crystals Genuine

Healing crystals are spoken of frequently in the realm of New Age terminology. Since crystals transmit electronic frequencies, adherents to the New Age system of thought also believe that they transmit psychic frequencies. They believe that these crystals have healing powers.

Do crystals provide a genuine method of healing power? Although there is no concrete scientific proof, many people stand by this ancient form of healing. They believe the healer is simply a channel for the positive energy and the one receiving the healing is responsible to accept it. Both the healer and the one being healed must concentrate on positive things during the healing process for premiere effectiveness.

Crystal healing concentrates on the person as a whole being - emotions, body, spirit - not just the area of the physical body that needs healed. It is said that crystals can also prevent illness in one's life.

Is crystal healing evil? Is it a mystical practice? Find out more!

What is Crystal Healing

Crystal healing is a form of healing that uses crystals or gemstones. The crystals are mainly placed on specific areas of the body called "chakras." Chakra is a Hindu term meaning spiritual energy. According to this teaching there are seven basic energy centers in the body, each having a color associated with it.

Some crystal healers place the same color crystals as the color of the chakras on the person to enhance the flow of energy. Crystals are said to direct the flow of energy to the person in a particular part of the body and bring balance to a person's energy. Ultimately, they are used to cleanse the person from bad or negative energy believed to cause an illness.

Clearing out the bad spiritual energy alleviates the physical ailment. Crystals are used for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing. Not only do people visit "crystal healers", in some places, professional nurses are being trained to use crystals for their patients. Additionally, crystals can be worn, placed next to a person's bed as they sleep, and in some cases placed around a person's bath.

A crystal healing layout

Top 10 Healing Gemstones

Top 10 Healing Gemstones

Gemstones are delightful to give or receive as gifts. They are Mother Nature’s natural healers. Gifting someone with a crystal is the same as offering a healing. There are literally hundreds of different types of stones to choose from. Listed here are ten popular gemstones that you can't go wrong with. They each have wonderful healing energies.

1. Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz has a gentle energy. It is a heart healer of physical heart ailments as well as emotional heartbreaks. Rose quartz is a timely gift to offer someone who desires to learn self-love.

2. Fluorite

Fluorite comes in a variety of colors. Fluorite is a beneficial stone to help guard one against picking up negativity or negative energies from those nearby. Basically, the stone absorbs any negativity, keeping it at bay. It is important to cleanse it at least once a week when you are using it as a protective helper.

3. Lapis

Egyptian energy. Lapis is a stone that has been said to unlock mysteries as it helps one move through confusion and emotional blocks and dig through fog/muck to the root of problematic issues.

4. Hematite

Hematite is a grounding stone. This silver-gray metallic gemstone is often used as a grounding tool to aid those who tend to avoid worldly tasks/events by out-of-body flight.

5. Jade

Jade teaches acceptance. Carry serene and calming energy. It helps a person become less critical of self and others.

6. Amethyst

This highly spiritual/healing stone is associated with The Christ Consciousness and the Violet Flame of Transmutation. Amethyst helps one tune into a higher awareness of knowing.

7. Turquoise
Turquoise is a teaching stone can be used to help one learn spiritual lessons through meditation and/or dream visions. My first turquoise was a stone set in a silver ring my grandmother gave me as a souvenir she picked up for me when she vacationed in Arizona. It's little wonder that my grandmother has served as one of my spiritual advisors from the other side since her transition from the physical realm.

8. Kyanite

Kyanite is best worn near the throat chakra. This blue crystal helps facilitate channeling and will open communications centers to enable contact with your guides and angels. Kyanite is probably best known for its balancing properties that align the chakras. There is no need to cleanse this stone, it clears itself automatically of negative energies.

9. Obsidian

All varieties of obsidian are good utilized as grounding and protective agents - The snowflake in particular helps us surrender or let go of negative habits or past pathways that no longer the present condition. It will bring about opportunity for change, serenity, and clarity.

10. Citrine

Citrine is a wonderful yellow stone. It helps to manifest your goals. Also keeps one cheerful. It attracts abundance and personal power.