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What Is A Crystal

Quartz Crystal Side Face

Quartz Crystal Crack Pattern

Quartz Crystal Base Side

What Is A Crystal

Most people use the word ‘to mean a stone with a crystalline shape – that is, like a small piece of glass, faceted and sparkling. Throughout this blog, the term is used to refer to some of the minerals, commonly known as crystals that can be used by man. Where appropriate the words gemstone, gem, jewel or stone may have also been used.

What Does The Word ‘Crystal’ Mean

The name ‘crystal’ is derived from the ancient Greek word krustallos meaning ‘clear ice’. It seems likely that early allusions to crystals referred to clear quartz. The ancients also called it 'Holy Ice' believing that a crystal was frozen hilt water spilled out from Heaven. Another belief was that a crystal had been made from water frozen at such a low temperature that it could never thaw out. Quartz was one of the first crystals to be used by man, and it is now one of the most important, being used as it is in a host of electronic devices, from quartz watched computer.