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Are Healing Crystals Genuine

Healing crystals are spoken of frequently in the realm of New Age terminology. Since crystals transmit electronic frequencies, adherents to the New Age system of thought also believe that they transmit psychic frequencies. They believe that these crystals have healing powers.

Do crystals provide a genuine method of healing power? Although there is no concrete scientific proof, many people stand by this ancient form of healing. They believe the healer is simply a channel for the positive energy and the one receiving the healing is responsible to accept it. Both the healer and the one being healed must concentrate on positive things during the healing process for premiere effectiveness.

Crystal healing concentrates on the person as a whole being - emotions, body, spirit - not just the area of the physical body that needs healed. It is said that crystals can also prevent illness in one's life.

Is crystal healing evil? Is it a mystical practice? Find out more!